Special Announcement!!! Average Joe Show!!!

Free stuff is the best stuff :D
Hi Joe what is the schedual for live feeds 4 and 5? I would like to catch at least one more to be twice a good as Peeter I only saw one of his live feeds. I enjoy yours just as much as his..
Show 4
You can set a reminder on it to ping you
Whoops that's show 3
AveRageJoe said:
Tonights is Ep:3. Id like to get the US people included if they want to join since the last 2 were in the middle of the day. What are good times for US peoples this weekend. Maybe 7 or 8 pm?

1am is not good at all for US people. I won't be able to join tonight that late. To be honest, the 2pm (think it was 1pm your time) was perfect. I just watch it at work while I'm working :)
Mike, if it's 8pm Joe's time, how would it be 1am to you? The most it would be is 10pm (est)

Update: nm, i looked at the youtube page and I see what ya mean. I won't be there either. Oh well. Maybe catch #4